Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Shooting Down Gun Control

Guns don't kill people. They never have.

Say what!? Dan, guns are involved in so many murders, how can you say guns don't kill people? Great question. Let's use some logic.

I place a loaded gun on a table. It sits dormant. No one ever picks it up; it never moves. How many people does it kill? You guessed it: NONE.

Guns don't kill people; gun operators do.

Gun control is not the answer.

People need to respect their fellow humans. I will not kill someone I respect. It is when I lose respect for someone that I begin to devalue them. I can devalue them to the point of seeing them not worthy of life. It is at this point that killing them becomes acceptable.

Gun control is not the answer; love is answer. And love is something much more powerful than a bullet.

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